there are new set of challenges that crop up as you age

Jan 13, 2024

I talked to a friend on Facebook whose husband’s health is failing. I don’t talk to her often and I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen her in close to 45 years. She’d sent me a Christmas card that was returned and she asked if she could have my new address. I’d seen posts about her husband’s struggles and simply said I hoped he was doing better.

That led to her telling me he wouldn’t be getting better and her life — as she knew it — was over. She said she’d take care of him as long as he lived… he would do that for her. So incredibly sad. And a lesson on coping.

You have to make peace with what you’ve got and the way you live.

Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than how you think it should be.

Wayne Dyer

So many things I want to do here at the barndo, but all those things I want cost money I don’t want to spend. (I want to retire, y’all!) Having peace doesn’t mean you can’t plan and dream and improve what you have already, only that you have to be happy with where you are and what you’ve got in the meantime. 🙂

upstairs living room
dining room from the kitchen

One’s health can turn on a dime — it’s life changing and can happen to any one.

The younger you are the less you think about that kind of depressing stuff. The older you get, the more you’re reminded bodies wear out. It’s nature… it’s life.