a signal and rumble of the times

Jul 21, 2024

Should you be worried if your significant other has an app on their phone called “Signal?” If so, there are probably several secret service partners that are also suspicious. 🙂

If you’re crazy worried about privacy and the thought that someday, someone will have access to your private messages, etc. — or if you’re tired of content you consume being suppressed — keep reading…

watching you

Below are two apps that are gaining in popularity that you may not have heard of…

#1 Signal.

Signal is a messaging app with a focus on privacy. It’s end-to-end encryption keeps conversations secure. The app is free and is owned by an American non-profit. Most importantly, they don’t collect user and device data — unlike Meta (Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp) that sells your user data.

Signal is currently in the news because that’s the app the Secret Service has been accused of using — nothing to see here, folks.

#2 Rumble.

Rumble is an online video-sharing program that says it’s “immune to cancel culture.” It’s Canadian owned and its headquarters are in Toronto.

I’ve noticed it’s preferred by Twitter users and offers higher-quality video streaming than YouTube. YouTube has demonetized thousands of small creators and they’ve found a home at Rumble. There’s no censoring or suppressing content. Not sure if that’s good or bad to be honest.