my ruggable rug disappointment

Nov 8, 2023

If I would’ve purchased’s oversized rug first, I would’ve never owned another one.

I’m not thrilled with the result!

After purchasing a rug pad on the cheap that didn’t work with the new rug I ordered, I spent the money to get the actual pad that is supposed to accompany the rug system. It’s too small.

I hate form emails.

I sent an email detailing my opinion that the rug pad provided was too small. The form mail I received in reply was nice and outlined how to best put the rug over the pad. I already own like 7 of these rugs so I’m 99.9% sure they didn’t look at my account with them.

Next, they tell me that on oversized rugs, it’s normal to have 4″ on all sides. FOUR INCHES??

If you know it’s too small, why not make the freaking pad bigger?? ðŸ˜