tada! Christmas 2023 is in da books!

Dec 22, 2023

Two family get-togethers on one day ain’t easy, but we made it work.

Festivities #1…

The drive to Rising Sun was uneventful and we at least remembered to take group photos.

The photos from my family’s holiday were sketchy at best.

I got lots of photos of people’s backsides.

The food wasn’t a fail at least!

I got up yesterday morning to make chili knowing Perry and I would be gone for the day and had to have something for everyone to eat last night.

Good thing my Momma brought a ham and her world famous coleslaw! Perry’s Mom made chili too. 😏

I also fixed mashed potatoes before holiday #1 to go with Mom’s stuff and made that pineapple dessert the night before. We had s’mores as a bonus… roasting the marshmallows over the indoor Solo Stove. Katie was in charge of that because she got one as a gift this year. (We wrapped everything of hers separate — including the bag of marshmallows.)

The food was great and the company even better! Santa brought Perry a Pit Boss so more awesome food should be in our future. Yay!

The full review of our Christmas celebrations are HERE on whatifitdid.com, but the photo rejects had to go somewhere, right?