all my neighbors have disappeared in the fog

Jan 25, 2024

When I let the puppies out this morning I flipped on the outside light. The fog is so dense I could see the mist floating around the brightness. It’s even foggier this morning than it looks in the photo below:

foggy morning in Indiana

I am isolated here at the barndo.

Crazy when you look out and there’s not a home or light in sight! It’s like being stranded in some bad horror movie waiting on the mist to float in, envelop and kill me. You could tell me that I’m on some pirate ship floating around aimlessly and I couldn’t prove you wrong. (Queue ominous music here.)

Lucky for me I have dogs and the Internet.

I have a good Internet connection to keep me tethered to the world and two big hounds to keep me company. The fog is outside so I think I’m good. 😉

At 8:00 AM this morning it was already almost 50°. Last year at this time we had beautiful snow. Personally, I’d MUCH rather have snow than rain.

What about you? What’s your preference? Dreary ole’ rain or soft, serene snowfall?