standard lens used for a few quick nature shots

Feb 3, 2024

I posted yesterday about birds first appearing at the feeder and shared a quick shot with my iPhone of a female Cardinal there for the grub. Today, I grabbed my Canon camera to see if I could nab a few more.

close up view of a red bird

Still rushed and through the storm door’s glass…

The puppies make taking any live photos of wildlife nearly impossible. You grab what you can as quickly as you can and hope for the best. Aperture set at f/5.6, ISO 100, and 1/80 sec shutter speed, the results — even with a standard generic lens — aren’t horrible.

redbird perched on feeder

Happy to be here instead of there! 🤗

When we lived in the Seymour house, I hung a feeder in a tree in our backyard. Within a couple days, the feeder was on the ground. Odd… so I hung it back up. Within a day, the feeder was back on the ground. Come to find out, my neighbors didn’t want birds near their pool pooping or making a mess. They took matters into their own hands, and my bird feeding desire was quashed.

Just another reason to be happy I don’t have neighbors close enough to knock down a bird feeder from my yard with a broom from their own property.