the wall-less room is waiting patiently for the contractor to arrive

Mar 26, 2023

Tomorrow is the day Mr. Contractor is supposed to show up. Those butt ugly spray foam insulation walls are going to be hidden behind t1-11 wood sheets. Certainly nothing fancy… it’s a barn. But it will be nice to see the dogs walk through the house without pieces of wall stuck to their backs.

In the meantime, my office area is pretty awful.

Cramped into the dining room with my main computer facing a window, this “meantime” situation is far from ideal. What’s crazy is that I’m in the same chair behind the same desk — but it’s not comfortable. I feel like I’m sitting in a straight-backed chair when it’s the same Herman Miller I’ve had for a few years now.

I’ll be sharing photos of the progress (or lack thereof) over the coming days. I’m soooo ready for walls!

Just a recap for the sake of record keeping…

After having a birthday, I injured my thumb and then spent days sick with the norovirus. (Norovirus results in about 685 million cases of disease and 200,000 deaths globally a year. I just thought I was dying.) Today I cut my finger while moving all this stuff and bled all over everything.

Perry took pity on me and brought me more work — a blackberry bush, a raspberry bush, a blueberry bush, and a grapevine bush (is it a bush?). 🙂