I know this is crazy, but I've never before owned a hall tree. In the past, company would throw their coats down on...
Home Improvement
ruggable update and christmas is in da house
First, if you read my post about my awful ruggable.com rug experience here on shelleyerwin.com, you now need to read how...
my ruggable rug disappointment
If I would've purchased ruggable.com's oversized rug first, I would've never owned another one. I'm not thrilled with the...
i screwed up trying to save money… arg!
First, and most importantly, my poor mamma is still under the weather. COVID hit her hard and although she was feeling...
our old house in the city is up for grabs
Just a little over a year ago, we sold the house in Seymour. Today, the buyers are wanting to be sellers. It's a GREAT...
floor dye – half is half done
Started the dye process this morning and half of the room is half done. So far, it's turning out exactly like I expected it...
first freeze watch of the season comin’ at ya live from the Ville
Tomorrow night is supposed to be the first real freeze of the season. It's barely 50° right now and still raining....
i’m still procrastinating — the floor has yet to be touched
Here it is Thursday and I've yet to start on the living room/office floor's dye job that I planned to start on Monday. Life...
concrete dye will be delivered today
Concrete dye will be delivered today -- along with the concrete cleaner and primer. I'll hopefully start on the project...
i did what i said i would do when i said i would do it
I ordered the dye for the floors in the office/family room yesterday. In addition, I ordered the stuff to clean the floors,...