After measuring and allowing for potential waste, I figured I needed around 60 rumblestones to place on the inside of the...
Spring in Indiana
Spring is a time for green — not brown
Springtime crops should be lush and green. When corn or beans are planted, green growth is what you see as days become...
yardwork done facebook style
Are you served up Facebook videos of out-of-control yards being cleaned up for free? Small business owners of lawn care...
grand central station in pajamas
I took an early shower last night and put on pajamas. Directly thereafter, Ben called asking if Perry had a suit that would...
Prioritizing relaxation is an important aspect of self-care
Taking time to relax can help counteract the effects of stress and promote a sense of calm and balance. We all know that...
sure fire way to know you live in the country
Of course, there are a ton of things that are done differently depending upon if you live in a city or town -- or if your...
people are stacking up for the eclipse
The eclipse is visible tomorrow here in the Ville. There are those making a very big deal out of it, and others that think...
what a good night’s sleep looks like
I've talked about being a night owl. I've talked about how I don't get to sleep like I should. But you guys... last night,...
dogwood winter is here and spring fever is real
When it feels like winter and it's really spring it's called dogwood winter. I think that's what we're going through in...
it’s a good thing we aren’t egg hunters
Thunder and rain when I went to sleep, I awoke to more of the same. Yesterday was beautiful... until it wasn't... Even my...